PAPER PAD paper cushion machine.
Recyclable paper for Environmental friendly packaging.
Paper Pad cushioning machine is versatility to handle every packaging allocation from cushioning, wrapping, void fill, blocking and bracing.
The 2 ply Kraft paper is separated allowing air to be trapped inside the layers, crimped together to make the cushioning pad.
It is an idea for products which is irregular and more difficult to be packed.
The machine has a high stiffness and strong support for the performance of your product can play an effective buffer, filling, fixed protection.
Multiple modes of operation designed to fit different production and packing.
Innovative PLC touch screen controller is flexible and can be easily reprogrammed to meet your special needs.
The backup manual system ensures 100% operative Paper Pad machine.
Automatic paper loading feature, enhance the paper loading process easier and faster.
100% recyclable paper.
PAPER PAD paper cushion machine specification.
CE certified.
Full Auto, produce automatically with preset data.
Suspend Auto, pause working for preset data.
Semi Manual, produce when needed for preset data.
Paper Roll specification: each roll produces 2.1 cubic meters of void fill,30 rolls per pallet.
Full Manual, foot pedal processing.
Who need it?The Paper Pad is ideal for retailers, manufacturers and distributors of:
Medical Devices.
Accessories of Car, Marine, Aircraft and Motorcycle.
Retail Stores.
Pack and Ship Stores.
Home Furnishings.
Artists, Potters, Sculptures and Galleries.
paper bag for packing box.
eBay Shippers.
,₪800.00 המחיר המקורי היה: ₪800.00.₪595.00המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪595.00.
₪750.00 המחיר המקורי היה: ₪750.00.₪522.00המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪522.00.
₪275.00 המחיר המקורי היה: ₪275.00.₪242.00המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪242.00.
₪300.00 המחיר המקורי היה: ₪300.00.₪250.00המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪250.00.
₪800.00 המחיר המקורי היה: ₪800.00.₪675.00המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪675.00.
,₪730.00 המחיר המקורי היה: ₪730.00.₪320.00המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪320.00.
₪2,980.00 המחיר המקורי היה: ₪2,980.00.₪2,180.00המחיר הנוכחי הוא: ₪2,180.00.
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פארק תעשיות בר לב
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